Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Chronological Index: Ancient History: | Geographical Index: Italian History:

Ancient History:

I n f o r m a t i o n

»In modern historiography, ancient Rome encompasses the founding of the Italian city of Rome in the 8th century BC, the Roman Kingdom (753–509 BC), Roman Republic (509–27 BC), Roman Empire (27 BC– 395 AD), and the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD.« -- More information: Wikipedia

T o p i c a l   I n d e x

1 P r o s e c u t i o n
Legislation: General | Inquiry: - | Trials: General | Evidence: -; Punishments: - | Arbitary Law: - | Frequency: -

2 C a s e s
Biblical Cases: Biblical Offenders: Alexander, Callimachus; Biblical Victims: Drusiana, Jesus, Thecla | Fictional Cases: Fictional Offenders: Chaerea; Fictional Victims: Corinna, Cypassis, Giton, Pamphila | Mythological Cases: General; Mythological Incidents: Rape of the Sabine Women; Mythological Offenders: Aeneas, Faunus, Janus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Priapus, Sextus Tarquinius, Vertumnus; Mythological Victims: Carna, Lara, Lavinia, Lucretia, Pomona, Proserpina, Rhea Silvia, Vesta | Real Cases: Real Offenders: Agrippina the Younger, Alexander, Augustus, Callimachus, Catiline, Gnaeus Plancius, Messalina, Pliny the Younger; Real Victims: Boudica, Drusiana, Galla Placidia, Irene of Rome, Jesus, Juliana of Nicomedia, Katherine of Alexandria, Livia, Margaret of Antioach, Melania the Younger, Perpetua, Thecla, Theophila

3 T y p e s
General: Rape, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment | Body: Genital Mutilation, Oral Rape, Sexual Torture, Stripping | Circumstances: Attempted Rape, Instrumental Rape, Rape Threat | Frequency: - | Killing: - | Offenders: Marital Rape, Same-Sex Rape | Places: Prison Rape | Purposes: Forced Marriage, Forced Prostitution, Sex Trafficking | State of Emergency: Wartime Sexual Violence | Victims: Child Sexual Abuse, Marital Rape, Same-Sex Rape, Slave Rape

4 O f f e n d e r s
Characteristics: Age and Gender: Female Adults, Male Adults; Biological Status: Gods; Kinship: -; Mental Status: -; Professions: Soldiers; Social Status: Noblemen, Slave Masters, Slaves | Circumstances: External Circumstances: -; Internal Circumstances: Serial Offenders | Consequences: Physical Consequences: -; Reactions: -

5 V i c t i m s
Characteristics: Age and Gender: Female Adults, Female Children, Male Adults, Male Children; Biological Status: Gods; Indirect Victims Groups: -; Kinship: -; Mental Status: -; Physical Status: Virginity; Professions: Prostitutes; Social Status: Married Women, Noblewomen, Slaves, Unmarried Women | Circumstances: External Circumstances: Abduction; Internal Circumstances: - | Consequences: Mental Consequences: Trauma: Physical Consequences: - | Reactions: Suicide; Social Consequences: Blaming

6 S o c i e t y
Commemoration: - | Institutions and Organizations: - | Movements: - | Politics: - | Rape Culture: General

7 R e s e a r c h
Disciplines: Medicine | Education: Teaching History | Theories: -

8 R e p r e s e n t a t i o n s
Acoustical: Music: -; Radio: - | Textual: Historiographical Texts: General / Dionysisus of Halicarnassus, Livy, Sallust, Tacitus; Literary Texts: General / Catullus, Claudian, Horace, Lucan, Martial, Ovid, Petronius, Plautus, Seneca, Silius, Statius, Terence, Tibullus, Virgil; Philosophical Texts: Augustine of Hippo; Press: -; Religious Texts: Acts of John, Acts of Paul and Thecla, Ambrose, Augustine of Hippo, Irenaeus, Leo the Great, Tertullian; Song Texts: -; Speeches: General / Cicero, Seneca the Elder; Travel Writing: - | Visual: Art: General; Comics: -; Dance Theatre: -; Fashion: -; Films: Boudica: Warrior Queen, The Viking Queen, Warrior Queen, Spartacus; Musical Theatre: Benjamin Britten; Photography: -; Television: -; Video Games: -